
We expect all members to respect one another, and be accepting of everyone’s walk of life. Not everyone’s experience is the same- we all have baggage and we all have different personalities, attitudes and points of view, and we all need to respect this by not speaking poorly of one another, or making judgement calls based on conjecture or rumor. Don't be a jerk.
  • Please resolve any conflicts amongst yourselves. Talk to one another. If you are unable to resolve your conflict, and would like mediation, please talk to an officer. We will assist you. Communication is important!
  • Any grievance shared with leadership will remain private, and be handled privately between affected parties.
  • Should an issue crop up that requires officer attention, all sides of the conflict will be heard and considered. No one’s concerns will ever be dismissed.
  • We ask that members do not air their grievances in a public space. These types of things lead to rumors and other issues between players, and can result in major miscommunication and escalate situations.
  • Top leadership will respect and support decisions made by officers. Should a poor decision be made by any member of leadership or any officer, we will discuss this privately. Problems will be handled and mistakes will be corrected.
  • We do not recruit anyone under the age of 18. There are no exceptions to this rule unless someone is within six months of turning 18.

Have fun!

We want all our members to have the best possible FFXIV experience we can help provide. Should things become stressful, or no longer fun for anyone over the course of the evening, no one will be offended if someone needs to log out and take a break. Health and happiness all come first for everyone. If there is anything leadership can do to help improve your experience, we are happy to listen, and find a solution.

When there is a problem that needs solving

If your experience is turning sour, or you are having a problem with another member, if anything makes you uncomfortable at all, at any level, please communicate your discomfort to the other member. If bad behavior is upsetting you, say something. If things continue to escalate please take screenshots if there is not an authoritative figure present. We need these in order to see what has happened, and to take appropriate steps to correct an issue. We ask that you first try to talk to the member to resolve your differences, especially if this is a matter of miscommunication. In the event that mediation is required, screenshots will help leadership determine what steps need to be taken to help solve the problem. Leadership and officers will talk with both parties involved, and then provide support when both parties are put together to talk out their problem. No one will be blind-sided with a sudden decision.

Disciplinary Action

We believe in fairness and communication here. If an altercation has occurred with a member that has been behaving in a manner that negatively effects other members of the company, they will be given the opportunities to correct their said behavior. We have a very firm three-strike rule. If behavior persists, there will be three chances given to this member before they are removed from the company. Unless of course the circumstances warrant immediate discharge in an extreme case.